Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lil' Fatty..

Hello lil' Chloe...

Mummy's finally back to update on your progress... Since the last entry, we've been to see Dr Tan on another 2 occasions. Once on 6th Feb, when you were 35 weeks old... And another time on 20th Feb, when you were 37 weeks old..

Let's start with the 6th Feb visit.. First and foremost, mummy must mention that darling has been such a dear.. Cos you had fully cooperated and turned head down by then! Or was it my threat that worked? :p Anyway, it was a such a total relief for mummy!:) Thanks dearie!

Besides that good news, we were also comforted by the fact that darling seems to be growing well.. Your head was 8.4cm.. Your weight was approximately 2.6kg already.. All sounded pretty good to me.. And of cos, Dr Tan was extremely satisfied with your progress too..

But mummy's relief was pretty short-lived.. Cos after we left the clinic, daddy starting commenting... 3 weeks ago, you were 1.7kg.. That means darling has been gaining like 300g/week.. So assuming darling were to put on weight at the same rate, you'll be like.... 3.5kg by week 38??!! *Faintz*

That kinda wiped the smile off mummy's face for a while.. Cos at 3.16kg, mummy had to try 3x before your sister decided to leave the comfort of mummy's womb.. So I really couldn't imagine you being even bigger than your sister.. Rather, I refuse to imagine that... *Shudders*

But then again, that's all postulation yar?? Maybe that was a mini growth spurt... In any case, better overweight than underweight, i guess.. As long as darling's healthy, that's the most important. :)

Okie, then the most recent visit.. 20th Feb.. This time round, Dr Tan didn't mention your weight.. He only showed us all your various organs.. which mummy couldn't quite see cos the monitor was quite dark that day.. Well, I must admit, I'm rather curious as to how heavy darling is already.. But then again, maybe I'm better off not knowing too. =)(Don't want to freak myself out and end up inducing labor there and then!)

Come to think of it, maybe that's why mummy's been puking AGAIN! Dr Tan says it's probably cos of the pressure... Hmm.. darling, please cooperate and stop giving stress to mummy's poor stomach and intestines yar?? I know you are growing FAST and BIG and you are running out of space.. But just bear with it for another week/few days?? If mummy gets to feast, so do you! So pretty please, do cooperate and let mummy eat yar??

Alrighty, that's about it for now. We shall be meeting again tomorrow at Dr Tan's office.. =)

Will this be mummy's last entry before darling makes your 1st appearance?? We shall see.... :)
